Episode 53: The Poop on Pooping
The first show of the new season is the Big Little Poo-cast. Our guests, Shokolada, Dolly, Pete, Baby Gus, Chrissy, and Miguel, share their experiences and recommendations about playing with poop – both real and simulated.
First aired: May 20, 2012
Movie reference with t-rex dinosaur who’s arms are too short: Meet The Robinsons on Amazon.com and clip on YouTube
Mako’s experience pooping in the elevator: See Episode 15
Speculums: http://www.medicaltoys.com/speculum.htm
Online kinky toy store run by Dolly and friends (offline)
Unfortunately titled Disney book on Amazon.com.
Human Centipede on Ice: http://verydemotivational.memebase.com/2012/04/30/demotivational-posters-bring-the-kids/
Growing gel sphere (offline)