Episode 77: Ageplay Leadership (Live at CAPcon 2013)

For this episode your hosts traveled all the way to Chicago, Illinois to attend the 2013 Chicago Age Players Convention (CAPcon). There we gathered with a great panel of ageplay leaders involved in everything from convention planning and education, to writing and running a business. Learn about the convention, what it takes to be a leader, and why the world of ageplay needs you to be a leader too.

Hosts: Mako, & Spacey

Guests: Benny, Luke, Mo, Paul Rulof, Golden Loki, Zorro Daddy, and a room full of others

Location: CAPcon 2013

Special Recording Assistance: LilSquash

Recorded: April 21st, 2013 @ 11:00 AM EST

First aired: April 23, 2013


Episode 78: Riley Kilo Personal Interview


Episode 76: Revisiting Regression